Support study accompanying the evaluation of the Commission Notice on the definition of relevant market for the purposes of Community competition law © Photo Credit: lassedesignen -

Support study accompanying the evaluation of the Commission Notice on the definition of relevant market for the purposes of Community competition law

This study elaborates the principles and best practices for defining relevant markets that can inform the evaluation of the European Commission's Market Definition Notice (MDN).

This study by VVA, LE Europe, WIK-Consult, WIFO and Grimaldi elaborates the principles and best practices for defining relevant markets that can be used in the evaluation of the European Commission's Market Definition Notice (MDN). The study identifies and describes such principles and best practices, organized by four focus areas:

For this report, a team of topic experts prepared an analysis by focus area, based on all relevant economic and legal literature that focuses on the key questions listed in the terms of reference including points of convergence, points of divergence and gaps with the guidance provided in the MDN. Furthermore, the team analysed and reviewed a range of competition enforcement guidelines, cases and court judgments by NCAs inside and outside the EEA.

The study is available for download.