Potential wholesale products in Cable-TV networks based on DOCSIS © Photo Credit: lassedesignen - stock.adobe.com

Potential wholesale products in Cable-TV networks based on DOCSIS

WIK supports German NRA in the analysis of market 3a and b

Cable-TV networks cover Germany by 65% of the homes in parallel to traditional copper and fibre based telecommunication networks of DT and other operators. The new technologies DOCSIS 3.0 and 3.2 will enhance network capacity significantly. So the question comes up if this technologies may not only satisfy the increasing demand of the existing and new customer base, but of new wholesale customers also, in satisfying capacity and quality. Will the cable-TV network operators in future provide such wholesale products on a volunteer or mandatory base? The study states that implementing DOCSIS 3.1 FD guarantees satisfying quality, but also requires high additional invests, less than for FTTH. In order to meet VULA-like quality the OSS and BSS systems of both operators have to be adapted for automatic process interaction accordingly. Because of the poor existing Cable-TV network coverage in Germany these networks will never fully compete or substitute the NGA/ FTTH networks of the future, lacking profitability in the unserved mostly rural areas.

The study ( in German language) is available for download on the website of the Federal Network Agency.