How to Build a Ubiquitous EU Digital Society © Photo Credit: lassedesignen -

How to Build a Ubiquitous EU Digital Society

Studie für das ITRE Committee des Europäischen Parlaments

Authors: J. Scott MARCUS, Ilsa GODLOVITCH, , Pieter NOOREN, Bram VAN DEN ENDE, Jonathan CAVE, Werner NEU

In this study for the ITRE Committee of the European Parliament, we analyse the achievements and failures of the European Regulatory Framework for Electronic Communications, with an eye to its impact on the broader EU economy; contrast it with regulatory models in other parts of the world; evaluate the costs and benefits of various interventions such as international mobile roaming; consider the interaction between fixed and mobile networks; assess the European Commission’s proposed Connected Continent proposals of 11 September 2013; and make policy recommendations going forward.

The study is available for download on the website of the European Parliament.
