Open government data in Europe: What we can learn from other countries

Open government data in Europe: What we can learn from other countries

WIK presentation at the FOSSGIS conference 2024 in Hamburg

What can Germany learn from other countries when it comes to opening government data? In a presentation at the FOSSGIS conference 2024, Marina Happ presented the results of the recent WIK study "Open government data in Europe" and discussed current developments in the field of open data.

WIK discussion paper no. 506, published in December 2023, examines the provision of open government data in Europe and the role played by open data institutions. The results show that other countries are making faster progress than Germany. They have several institutions that carry out strong public relations work in favor of open data. They also offer significantly more data in geo formats, tabular or text files. In Germany, a relatively high share of open data is published as images, which are harder to use for other applications.

At the FOSSGIS conference 2024, Marina Happ presented the results of the project to an interested audience: over 250 conference visitors attended the presentation. The event illustrated the importance of open government data for users and developers of free and open data applications.

The FOSSGIS conference is a major event for open source software and open data in geoinformation systems. This year’s conference took place from 20 to 23 March 2024 at Hamburg University of Technology.