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Publication of commissioned projects


WIK supports the Federal Network Agency in the ex-post control of letter consolidation fees

The Federal Network Agency published the WIK study on the refinement of the margin squeeze concept. The study addresses both the question of the…

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Diffusion of 5G campus networks in Germany

Publication within the scope of the 5Guarantee project funded by the State of NRW

Locally assigned frequencies in the 3.7 GHz range enable the establishment of 5G campus networks in Germany. Currently, innovative applications in the…

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Analysis of the potential for the commercial roll-out of fibre optics in Germany

In order to fulfil the federal government's gigabit strategy, the Federal Ministry for Digital and Transport (BMDV) commissioned WIK-Consult to…

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Multiperson households - USO and technical minimum requirements

Specific requirements due to parallel usage in multiperson households

In June 2022, the German Telecommunications Minimum Supply Ordinance (TKMV) entered into force and minimum technical requirements for internet access…

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Suitability of different technologies to provide universal services

In June 2022, the German Telecommunications Minimum Supply Ordinance (TKMV) defined minimum technical requirements for the internet access service…

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Market study on the Norwegian Internet ecosystem

Norway is among the world’s top countries in terms of available internet access speed due to the extensive fibre and mobile coverage complemented with…

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WIK-Consult supports the ACCC with assessing Australia Post’s draft price notification

The ACCC has launched a second consultation

WIK-Consult prepared three studies for the Australian regulator ACCC in the second half of 2023: a review of Australia Post's regulatory cost…

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The competitive situation in the mobile communications market - public version

This report analyses the competitive situation on the German mobile communications market. On the basis of a comprehensive empirical study, the report…

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Evolution of competition dynamics of tower and access infrastructure companies

Study by WIK-Consult for the Body of European Regulators of Electronic Communications (BEREC)

In this study, WIK-Consult provides an overview of recent developments regarding infrastructure companies and explores the motivation for their…

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Third evaluation report for the austrian broadband initiative BBA 2020 of the BMF

The Consortium WIK-Consult and WIFO written report has been published by the BMF Austria

The granting of state-aid for broadband access networks defined by the notificated program BBA 2020 has been evaluated according to the rules of the…

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Meta-study and recommendations for action on the sustainable expansion of gigabit networks

Modern telecommunications networks and IT infrastructures play a key role in the context of energy and environmental policy challenges.

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Retail 4.0 / Regional online marketplaces

The expectations on regional online marketplaces are high. They are supposed to advance the digitalisation of trade, support stationary retail,…

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