Competitive situation on the Swiss broadband access market © Photo Credit: lassedesignen -

Competitive situation on the Swiss broadband access market

Ensure competition on the basis of a regulated wholesale product for ultra-broadband access

Against the background of the forthcoming revision of the telecommunications law, WIK-Consult has prepared a policy paper on the competitive situation in the Swiss broadband market on behalf of Sunrise Communications AG, UPC Schweiz GmbH and the SUISSEDIGITAL association. The policy paper shows that Swisscom has been successfully defending and expanding its strong market position in both fixed-network and mobile communications for years. It takes advantage of its historical incumbency advantages. This applies to both the retail and wholesale levels. Market shares have remained stable and high since liberalisation, even compared to other European countries. Bundled products on the one hand and connections to end customers via stand-alone broadband connections on the other will play a central role in future market developments. In order to safeguard competition on the market, it is therefore all the more important that alternative providers can rely on wholesale products which enable them to offer comparable, competitive end-customer products.

The study (in German language) is available for download.
