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Usage of voice assistants in Germany

This research brief presents data from a consumer survey conducted in 2022 on the use of voice assistants and consumer IoT in Germany.

This research brief provides an overview on the use of voice assistants in Germany and an outlook on possible future developments. The data is based on a consumer survey conducted in 2022.  

The use of voice assistance systems has risen continuously in recent years. While WIK calculated a user share of 26% in the German population in 2018, this has risen to 46% almost four years later. Although they are now a central component of smart home systems and other IoT devices and services for consumers, their developers have not yet been able to achieve any major financial successes. 

In addition, the future development and use of voice assistants could be influenced by recent advances in generative AI

For more data and detailed analysis, see our study on voice assistants 2022:
WIK Kurzstudie "Sprachassistenten"