New Competition on the Streaming Market - Media Use in Germany © Photo Credit: lassedesignen -

New Competition on the Streaming Market - Media Use in Germany

This study presents results from the annual WIK consumer survey on media usage behavior in Germany and discusses the current dynamics in the market for online music and video services.

Competition in the market for online video services is intensifying, and providers are implementing various strategies to attract more users. On the one hand, they are trying to prevent account sharing, and on the other, they are partially introducing advertising-financed subscription tiers. The increasing focus on exclusive content is also intended to attract new customers.

In this context, the study examines how consumers consume media content and the role played by the various services. It also takes a closer look at the providers' marketing and monetization strategies.

The study is based on a survey of 3,178 consumers in Germany and 28 in-depth interviews conducted together with Fresenius University of Applied Sciences.