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All news from the Institute at a glance - Current publications, events, the WIK Newsletter and ongoing research results in one place.


The role of price comparison tools for the German broadband market (Nr. 525)

WIK report analyses the business model of price comparison tools and benchmarks their products and prices in comparison to the conditions offered by telecommunications operators directly.

Price comparison tools play an increasingly important role as a source of information and sales channel for various types of products and services on…

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Fixed Wireless Access as a supply option for broadband connections? (No. 524)

Fixed Wireless Access (FWA) is the replacement of a landline with a wireless solution. In the context of the planned gigabit broadband expansion in…

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Analysis of digitization strategies of German municipalities: trends, topics and sustainability aspects (No. 523)

The discussion paper examines which priorities municipalities set in their digital strategies and to what extent they strategically interlink the…

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Use of digital applications in SMEs - user segments, trends and connectivity requirements (No. 522)

WIK identifies cross-sectoral user segments and develops possible future scenarios for 2030.

Based on their ICT-usage SMEs can be adjusted to five groups “digital beginners”, “digital opportunity users”, “supply chain-driven digitizers”,…

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Networked production - 360-degree overview of the prospects in SMEs (No. 521)

The discussion paper highlights the challenges and opportunities of networked production in small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). Despite initial…

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Economic analysis of the Data Act

Impact on small and medium-sized enterprises

Data is the key to digital innovation - The Data Act is intended to strengthen SMEs by reorganising data sharing. The Data Act offers opportunities…

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AI in municipalities: applications, potentials and obstacles

AI applications offer great potential for local authorities to fulfil tasks more efficiently and improve the quality of life in cities and…

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Econometric analysis of the zero rating ban in Germany

WIK analyses the effect of the Zero Rating ban on included data volumes

The ban of Zero Rating resulted in a significant increase on the included not earmarked data volumes of the corresponding tariffs.

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Ecological effects of fibre deployment

Can fast fibre migration of access networks contribute to improving CO2 emissions?

In the context of the European Green Deal, WIK-Consult examines different migration scenarios to fibre optic connections and their effects on the…

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Effects of switching off the 2G networks in Germany (No. 520)

In order to use the 2G frequencies more efficiently for 4G/5G, the mobile network operators will switch off their 2G mobile networks from mid-2028.

By switching off 2G, frequencies can be used more efficiently for 4G/5G. Even more comprehensive LTE coverage by all mobile network operators is…

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Working Paper No. 8: The effect of implicit beliefs on cybersecurity

Despite recognizing cyber threats, many German companies struggle with effective defence strategies. Using an Implicit Association Test (SC-IAT), we…

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Adjustment options for the general X-factor under the German incentive regulation (No. 519)

The BNetzA's broad-based NEST process (Networks. Efficient. Secure. Transformed.) offers the opportunity to correct weaknesses in the general X-factor…

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