Publication of commissioned projects
Im Auftrag der Kommission für Zulassung und Aufsicht der Landesmedienanstalten (ZAK) hat WIK-Consult ein Gutachten erstellt, in dem die…
The US Postal Regulatory Commission (PRC) transmitted its report on Universal Postal Service and the Postal Monopoly to the President and Congress on…
WIK-Consult has just finished a survey of telecommunications provider on behalf of the Hessian ministry of economics.
(Study only available in German…
Study from MICUS and WIK-Consult on behalf of the European Commission, DG Information Society and Media.
Study conducted for the European Competitive Telecommunications Association - ECTA
In August 2007 the Federal Ministry of Economy and Technology has issued a study carried out by WIK-Consult to analyse the recent status of “Trusted…
WIK-Consult has prepared a report for the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC) that assesses the approach used by Australia Post to…
Im Mai 2008 wurde das vom Deutschen Institut für Urbanistik (Difu), der Verbraucherzentrale Nordrhein-Westfalen und der WIK-Consult GmbH erstellte…
On April 2008 WIK-Consult accomplished the study on "Implications of Next Generation Networks for policy and regulation" for the German Federal…